Q: Who are the CASS partners?

A: The collaborative consists of the following eight partnering agencies.



United Way of Kaw Valley

The United Way of Kaw Valley is the grantee and fiscal agent. United Way’s Successful Connections program provides assessment and early identification services for pregnant moms and new families, screening for risk factors and referring families to area home visitation programs as appropriate. 



ERC Resource & Referral, Inc., dba Child Care Aware® of Eastern Kansas, reaches at-risk children being cared for in community-based child care and preschool programs. 

Child Care Aware® of Eastern Kansas supports child care programs serving at-risk children at the classroom level through on-site coaching visits, professional development and resources focused on improving school readiness and early literacy skills in young children ages 0-5.

Director support focuses on enhancing services provided to enrolled families.

Visit our website: http://east.ks.childcareaware.org/



Kansas Children’s Service League offers a Healthy Families home visitation program and the Circle of Parents Parent Leadership model. 

Kansas Children’s Service League’s Healthy Families utilizes the Healthy Families America model, an evidence-based intensive home visitation model.

The goals of the program are to cultivate and strengthen nurturing parent-child relationships, promote healthy childhood growth and development, and enhance family functioning by reducing risk and building protective factors.

Healthy Families home visits are provided for families starting during pregnancy or shortly after the birth of the child, and continuing until the child is 3 to 5 years of age.

Kansas Children’s Service League’s Parent Engagement Program is designed to increase parental engagement in children’s education, provide family support and increase the five protective factors in families. The program will offer Parent Cafes, parent support groups and Parent Leadership Council meetings.

Families involved with services of CASS partners will be targeted, but the program will be also available to at-risk parents throughout Shawnee County.

Visit our website: https://www.kcsl.org

USD 501 Topeka Public Schools Parents as Teachers Program serves families who meet the Cabinet’s at-risk criteria and supports services at Avondale East NET Center in Hi-Crest. 

USD #501 Parents as Teachers (PAT) provides an evidence-based, research-informed home visiting model that demonstrates successful results in school readiness, literacy, health and development of young children.

PAT philosophy includes home visitation, partnering with families to set goals and build a knowledge base of child development, identifying overall health needs, screenings and functional assessments on each enrolled child, and referrals to community resources.

Visit our website: https://sites.google.com/a/tps501.org/topeka-parents-as-teachers/

Shawnee County Health Department

Shawnee County Health Agency's Nurse-Family Partnership a nurse home visitation program that targets at-risk, first-time pregnant and parenting mothers.

Shawnee County Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP): Shawnee County Health Department was the first implementation site in Kansas of the evidenced-based Nurse Family Partnership model of home visitation. NFP is the only intensive home visitation program in our community staffed exclusively by registered nurses.

NFP is designed to provide the long-term, intensive level of education and support required for positive outcomes in children of at-risk families. NFP enrolls families during early- to mid-pregnancy, and continues to follow the family after delivery, until the child is 24 months of age.

At exit from NFP, children and families are transitioned into other supportive services based on their specific needs.

Visit our website: https://www.snco.gov/hd/nurse_family_partnership.php

TARC provides intensive and individualized interventions with home visitation services for parents who have a child with a developmental delay.

TARC, Inc. provides the federally mandated Part C services for infants and toddlers with developmental delays/disabilities.

Seventeen different services must be provided to families including physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, nursing, nutritional and educational services.

All children who are eligible must receive these services and no waiting list is allowed.

Visit our website: http://tarcinc.org/


Family Service & Guidance Center offers preschool consultation services for children with significant social/emotional needs and challenges.

Family Service & Guidance Center’s mental health consultations address mental health issues in preschoolers so they can maintain their placements and benefit from the education they are receiving.

The consultations also enhance the overall ability of child care providers to meet the social and emotional needs of all of their children through ongoing training and coaching. This allows providers the opportunity to refine their skills and expand their repertoire of intervention skills.

Visit our website: https://www.fsgctopeka.com/

Community Action, Inc., have Head Start and Early Head Start classrooms at the Susan M. Wheatley Center for Early Childhood Education. 

Community ActionInc.’s Early Head Start/Head Start programs provide services to prenatal women and children ages birth to 5 years.

Community Action, Inc., supports high-risk families by:

  • Conducting health and development screenings.
  • Helping to obtain preventative medical care.
  • Physically and social-emotionally safe and supportive care in a center-based setting.
  • Parent growth through adult learning opportunities.

Visit our website: http://www.wefightpoverty.org/