Guaranteed Income Documentary Screening and Panel (Lawrence)


United Way of Kaw Valley and the other members of the Douglas County Community Health Plan’s Anti-Poverty work group invite community members to watch the award-winning documentary, “It’s Basic,” which looks at pilot programs that test the effects of giving people an extra $500 to $1,000 monthly with no strings attached.

There will be two screening events:

Lawrence - Tuesday, Jan. 28, 5:30-8 p.m. at the Lawrence Public Library auditorium, 707 Vermont St., Lawrence.

Eudora - Wednesday, Feb. 12, 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Eudora High School auditorium, 2203 Church St., Eudora.

The events are open to the public at no cost. Refreshments will be available. Free child care will be offered at the event in Eudora.

Following the screenings, a panel of local leaders will discuss insights from the film, address the impact of poverty on families in Douglas County, and explore local data and initiatives aimed at establishing a guaranteed income program.

The Anti-Poverty work group also includes Douglas County, Eudora Schools Foundation, LiveWell Douglas County and Engage Douglas County.
