Now you can support United Way of Kaw Valley every day without even thinking about it! Sign up for one or all of these Effortless Impact options and help change our community by doing things you do every day.
Dillons Community Rewards
United Way of Kaw Valley has teamed up with Dillons Stores as a beneficiary of the Community Rewards Program. It’s easy to sign up online using your Dillons Plus Card number, and best of all it is completely FREE! Simply enroll your Plus Card online at Dillons.com/communityrewards and select United Way of Greater Topeka (KS436) or United Way of Douglas County as your designated nonprofit, then every time you shop United Way will earn! This program has no effect on fuel points, is totally free to participate in, and takes just a few clicks to begin. You can even keep track of your contribution online under your account summary.
Goodsearch & Goodshop
Goodsearch.com is a great way to help United Way by doing something you do everyday — searching online. Goodsearch is a search engine much like Yahoo! or Google, and every time you use it United Way earns money. Along with Goodsearch is Goodshop. When you shop, a percentage of your total price will go to United Way.