United Way of Kaw Valley has opportunities for agencies, businesses, groups, and individuals looking for more ways to make a difference. Find your volunteer listings through our hosted platform:


Get started by creating your new account.  Your free account lets you browse or search volunteer opportunities, learn more about local nonprofits and even create and maintain your own Volunteer Resume. 

In addition to coordinating volunteers community-wide, we also have a number of programs and initiatives that involve volunteers. For those who want to make a real impact in our community, volunteering can be a great way to give back, in addition to making monetary contributions to our funds. 

If you are having issues logging in please reach out to Jacquie Lightcap.

On April 10, 2024 United Way of Kaw Valley merged our two online volunteer management systems (TopekaVolunteers.org and VolunteerDouglasCounty.org) under one license that serves all four of our counties. While the merged system uses the same vendor and looks and functions in a similar way, we rebranded the platform as KawValleyVolunteers.org for the entire service area.

We strived to make this change as seamless as possible. We sent emails to everyone registered on the website additional info, so please check your email including your junk/spam folder. 

VOLUNTEER USERS OF VOLUNTEERDOUGLASCOUNTY.ORG: As a current volunteer in the volunteerdouglascounty.org system, log in to your profile on kawvalleyvolunteers.org and make sure information is up to date.  Please visit here to learn more.

VOLUNTEER USERS OF TOPEKAVOLUNTEERS.ORG: It's always a good idea to update your contact information. Please login to kawvalleyvolunteers.org and review your profile information.


As always, if you have any questions not answered here, reach out to anyone on the Volunteer Engagement team at United Way of Kaw Valley. 

Ongoing Volunteer Opportunities with United Way

United Way of Kaw Valley has several councils and committees for funding investments, for volunteering engagement, communications, finance and resource development.

Donors may also be interested in joining affinity groups that pursue their own educational, volunteering and fundraising initiatives. Find out more.


The United Way of Kaw Valley is Service Enterprise Certified and is a part of the top 11% of 
high preforming nonprofits nationwide!

Points of Light - Service Enterprise Certification