Recycled Rides

Help us find rides to recycle!

The competitive market for used cars has made it increasingly difficult to find cars for the Recycled Rides team to refurbish . Please consider a donation to the program if you have a vehicle that ideally is/has:

  1. More than 5 years old and not older than 15
  2. Lower mileage, however reliable and well-maintained cars might be the exception
  3. Damage to no more than 5 panels, and minimal to no structural damage.
  4. Minimal to no rust

Recycled Rides does accept vehicles with mechanical issues (blown head gasket, timing chain/belt needing replaced)

Vehicles must have a title.

Vehicle #35 will be awarded May 6, 2025

Each fall and spring as vehicles are available, Washburn Tech’s Recycled Rides program helps put reliable cars back on the road for the benefit of an individual for whom transportation can be a life-changing gift. We will post a link to the current application each semester a car is offered.

You can check this page and our social media for application deadline information:


To be considered for a vehicle through the Recycled Rides Program, nominees must:

  • Have a valid driver’s license
  • Have proof of income/employment or a verifiable job offer
  • Must be insurable with no DWIs or DUIs on your driving record
  • Must not have any other vehicle in the household in working order that belongs to you
  • Must be drug-free and no extensive criminal background
  • If under the age of 25, you must have parental responsibilities

For questions please email Brett Martin or call 785-581-0231.