Whether you’re speaking out to improve education, financial stability, or health; reaching out to your members of Congress; or wearing the LIVE UNITED shirt to show your support, you can advocate to inspire hope and create opportunities for everyone in your community.

Cover of the 2024 UWKV policy agenda

Quick Actions That Help Now

  • Register to vote! It’s never too early, especially if you have recently moved.
  • Review our Policy Agenda to learn what issues our staff and volunteers follow closely and why they are important to building a stronger community.
  • Become a Facebook fan: Spread the word and invite your friends to join us in the effort for a better community!
  • Follow us on X or Instagram: It’s often surprising what the power of 140 characters is, and that picture is worth 1,000 words! Add your voice to a movement for sustainable change today! Don't forget to tag us @UWKawValley and #LiveUnited.
  • Contact your elected officials and tell them why whole family solutions in education, financial stability, and health are important to you!

Learn more about the national advocacy efforts by United Way Worldwide.

Our Advocacy Policy

United Way is a policy leader in the nonprofit community because we remain non-partisan in advocacy, urging policy makers to set aside partisanship and to work together to Advance the Common Good. By doing this we achieve progress on issues important to those who invest in our community and those who receive services supported by our impact and basic needs grants; issues which are not adopted because of race, gender, political affiliation or religious preference, but because they advance improvements in our community.

United Way uses its convening and advocacy power to bring together all our partners — business, labor, nonprofits, and community members — to identify and advance solutions to community issues.

United Way engages in public and corporate policy and advocacy to give voice to our guiding values. It is our civic obligation to use our experience and knowledge to inform key decision-makers regarding policy, practices and funding affecting government and non-government human services.