UWKV's next Board Leadership Training Class is coming this summer!

Nonprofits across our four-county service area are always searching for new board members, and YOU could be just who they need. But stepping up your volunteer game to include board service can be a little scary. That's why United Way of Kaw Valley offers our 9-hour Board Leadership Training. You'll get a great introduction to the responsibilities and expectations of nonprofit board service. You'll hear from seasoned board volunteers and you'll get ideas and support from your classmates. We've even got a Facebook group just for alums in case you think of additional questions after the class.

The next course will be at Washburn University in July, and you must attend both days to complete the class.

Board Leadership (9 hours) - Cost: $75
8 am - 12:30 pm

July 24 and 31 (must attend both days)
Washburn University
Topeka, KS

Registration links and more information is available at https://www.uwkawvalley.org/board-leadership-training