Ask your legislator for a Medicaid Expansion hearing NOW!

Monday, January 29, 2024

TLDR: Today is Kansas Day. Stand up for your neighbors in need and ask your legislators for a hearing NOW on The Cutting Healthcare Costs for all Kansans Act to expand Medicaid at no cost to Kansas taxpayers. This link makes it easy:

May be an image of textAccording to the Alliance for a Healthy Kansas, thousands of Kansans fall into a health insurance coverage gap. They are hardworking men and women who make too much to qualify for KanCare, Kansas’ Medicaid program, but too little to qualify for financial assistance on the Health Insurance Marketplace.

Kansas can expand KanCare, opening up affordable health insurance to 150,000 Kansans. Thirty-nine other states – including all states surrounding us – have expanded their Medicaid programs. And research supports that Medicaid expansion for adults leads to better access to care and improved health outcomes for the adult that gained coverage as well as their children.

The Cutting Healthcare Costs for All Kansans Act:

  • Fixes eligibility limits, which are currently too low. The income limit to qualify for Expansion is about $8,750 per year for a family of three, which is less than $4 per hour. Expanding Medicaid would raise the income eligibility limits so that more hardworking Kansans, who contribute to the economy, can get the health care they need for themselves and their families.
  •  Addresses workforce issues. Nearly all industries in Kansas employ individuals who would become eligible under Medicaid expansion. The benefits of expansion would be seen not only financially for Kansas employers, but also with improved health and increased ability to work for employees.

Your legislators work for you. Tell them today that this issue is important to our state and to you as a voter. It's time for a hearing on The Cutting Healthcare Costs for all Kansans Act that would expand Medicaid at no cost to Kansas taxpayers. Kansas Day is the perfect time to advocate for this tool that keeps Kansans healthy: