United Way of Kaw Valley's Shawnee County Volunteer Expo returns to connect you to local nonprofits that need your time and talent! We'll be filling Fairlawn Plaza with opportunities to make a difference. All you have to do is stop in and decide where to start. We can't wait to see you there!
In the meantime, you can scratch your volunteer itch on KawValleyVolunteers.org--it's free to use courtesy of United Way. (No annoying ads like those other volunteer sites either!)
Thursday, April 17
10 am to 2 pm
Fairlawn Plaza
2114 SW Chelsea Dr.
Participating agencies/groups (as of March 17)
AARP of Kansas
Ascend Health Hospice
Be Filled of South Topeka
Be SMART for Kids (Moms Demand Action)
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Capper Foundation
CASA of Shawnee Co
Catholic Charities
Center for Peace and Justice
Community Action, Inc.
Foster Grandparents of Northeast Kansas
Gil Carter Initiative
GraceMed Health Clinic
Habitat for Humanity
Harvesters Community Food Network
Helping Hands Humane Society
Interim Hospice
Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging
Kansas Children's Service League
Kansas Museum of History
Kansas Youth Empowerment Academy
Keep America Beautiful Topeka
Let's Help, Inc.
Live Well Shawnee County
Meals on Wheels & Midland Care
One Heart Project
PANT-Pet Assistance Network of Topeka
Ronald McDonald House of Northeast Kansas
Salvation Army
SENT/Fellowship Hi-Crest
Shawnee County Parks & Rec
Stormont Vail Health
Sunshine Connections
Top City Promise
Topeka Community Cat Fix
Topeka Housing Authority
Topeka Literacy Council
Topeka Rescue Mission
Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library
Valeo Behavioral Health