The intent of the Women United fund is to award grants to assist women and children (individuals, not agencies or groups) in emergency and/or life altering situations.  Grants are one time only with a maximum limit of $750.00. Listed below are the exceptions to the $750.00 grant maximum.

  • Dental care $100.00 maximum
  • Tuition assistance $100.00 maximum 

The grants will focus on emergency help for:

  • A woman
  • A woman  with a child or children
  • Child or children (under 18)
  • Father requesting services for a child
  • Grandparents requesting services for a child 


  • Services that are available through other programs
  • Utilities (gas, electric, propane) are generally not eligible for grant assistance, however in rare cases where there is an emergency, on-time need for utility assistance and it can be demonstrated that the individual will have the ability to make future utility payments, a grant award may be given 


The Women United application must be completed entirely with relevant details associated with the individual’s situation and financial status.  The requestor must be able to support the grant amount requested with actual costs for goods, services, etc.

  1. The Women United committee will review the application and attempt to make a decision within three business days of receiving the completed application.
  2. The agency, not the individual, will be advised of the funding decision.
  3. Finance will process Women United grants within three business days of submission unless otherwise specified on the Women United Check Request Form.
  4. Checks will be made payable to and mailed to the service provider by United Way’s Finance Department.

It is the intent of Women United to award grants to women and children in need of assistance with emergency help and life altering events.  It is not our intent to pay rent, utilities and other reoccurring expenses.  Applications should not be submitted until all other resources have been exhausted and assistance cannot be located through any other resource.

Applications must be completed by a nonprofit agency on behalf of the individual or family in need. If you are having difficulty finding an organization to complete the application on your behalf, please email us.

Beneficiary Contact
*$750 maximum
If a Sponsoring United Way Member or Partner, please provide:
Has the Applicant agreed to share application information with the Grant Committee?
May the Applicant's first name and service provided be used for the promotion of Women United?